About us

At Hize Esports, we're where passion meets inclusivity in the world of gaming. Our mission is simple yet profound: we believe that everyone, regardless of their background or skill level, deserves the chance to thrive in the exhilarating realm of esports

Our journey began with a commitment to core values – inclusivity, diversity, and an unwavering love for gaming. Hize Esports isn't just a team; we're a tight-knit family. We started with a belief that gaming has a unique power to unite people from all walks of life, transcending boundaries and breaking down barriers.

While we appreciate and support top-tier talent, our true focus is on nurturing a community that celebrates each individual's unique strengths. Whether you're a budding esports sensation or a casual gamer, Hize offers a place where your potential is acknowledged, and your voice holds value.

Inclusivity lies at the core of our existence. We take immense pride in crafting an environment where everyone can feel at home, where diversity isn't just accepted – it's celebrated. Every member is empowered to reach their full potential, and we are unflinchingly committed to fairness and equity, with a strong emphasis on gender equality, accessibility, and representation for all.

Founder  - Luke Dyson ( Fear )
Established in 2020
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